Advanced Session

Ideal for more complex situations. This advance session allows us to dive deep, addressing multiple aspects of your pet's behavior or health.

Expect a transformative experience that strengthens your bond and brings clarity to any concerns you have.

  • One 90-Minute Distance Session
  • 20-Minute Follow-up Zoom Call
  • Action Steps Post-Session
  • After-session support via email or chat
  • Includes up to five questions or concerns, and any energy healing that comes up as a priority

Real Transformations. Authentic Stories.

"Tigre had some health issues, a lot of pain in his body and was very low energy. I actually didn't have to say anything to Paulina, she was able to connect with him and feel all of it. After the first session working with him, I was already able to see a radical change in Tigre's day-to-day life." - Cindy & Tigre

"With Paulina's help, I can finally relax while walking Paco. I contacted Paulina because Paco was barking and attacking other dogs whenever I took him for a walk. I was terrified and upset about his behavior, and I tried different things before, but nothing helped. Paulina is amazing." - Anna & Paco

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Unlock the secrets of your pet's behavior with my FREE eBook, "How Your Mood Matters" – a guide to understanding how our emotions influence our furry friends.

Copyright © 2023 Intuitive Animal Communicator

All rights reserved | Made by Heartbeat.Buzz

Unlock the secrets of your pet's behavior with my FREE eBook, "How Your Mood Matters" – a guide to understanding how our emotions influence our furry friends.

Copyright © 2023 Intuitive Animal Communicator | All rights reserved | Made by Heartbeat.Buzz