Intuitive Animal Communication

Ever wondered why your furry friend is behaving a certain way? What they're thinking or feeling?

As an animal communicator gifted with the ability to connect telepathically and intuitively, I help pet owners like you understand, connect, and navigate the challenges you face with your pets.

Intuitive Animal Communication

Ever wondered why your furry friend is behaving a certain way? What they're thinking or feeling?

As an animal communicator gifted with the ability to connect telepathically and intuitively, I help pet owners like you understand, connect, and navigate the challenges you face with your pets.

What You Can Expect After Working With Me?

Imagine a World Where...

Through a holistic approach, you support the overall well-being and health of your pet.

You have solutions for your animal's behavioral symptoms and truly see things from their perspective.

You know everything about your animal’s personality: their likes and dislikes, if they happy, how they truly sense, how they feel in their body and with you.

You know if your pet is ready to cross over or not yet and learn the best ways to support them.

You receive all messages from pets that have crossed over the rainbow bridge and find assurance how they are and feel.

You understand the roots of your pet’s physical and emotional symptoms and discover ways to enhance their well-being.

You can find out easily if your pet would like to another pet to join the family.

You know how to help them in adjusting to new beginnings, changes, whether it's a new home or a different lifestyle.

If you have a rescue animal or adopted, you know how to help and support them, why they behaving the certain way, help them to release stress and trauma.

You have the solution, what to do when you have a guest at home with another pet.

You know how to handle all stress, anxiety, and separation, and have a solution to transform those challenges and truly enjoying in quality time together.

As a pet parent, you feel confident, enjoy every outdoor adventure, travel with ease, and cherish quality moments with your furry friend.

Currently, your relationship with your pet might have its challenges and uncertainties. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. I'm here to help!

With commitment and guidance, today's dreams become tomorrow's reality.

What You Can Expect After Working With Me?

Imagine a World Where...

Through a holistic approach, you support the overall well-being and health of your pet.

You have solutions for your animal's behavioral symptoms and truly see things from their perspective.

You know everything about your animal’s personality: their likes and dislikes, if they happy, how they truly sense, how they feel in their body and with you.

You know if your pet is ready to cross over or not yet and learn the best ways to support them.

You receive all messages from pets that have crossed over the rainbow bridge and find assurance how they are and feel.

You understand the roots of your pet’s physical and emotional symptoms and discover ways to enhance their well-being.

You can find out easily if your pet would like to another pet to join the family.

You know how to help them in adjusting to new beginnings, changes, whether it's a new home or a different lifestyle.

If you have a rescue animal or adopted, you know how to help and support them, why they behaving the certain way, help them to release stress and trauma.

You have the solution, what to do when you have a guest at home with another pet.

You know how to handle all stress, anxiety, and separation, and have a solution to transform those challenges and truly enjoying in quality time together.

As a pet parent, you feel confident, enjoy every outdoor adventure, travel with ease, and cherish quality moments with your furry friend.

Currently, your relationship with your pet might have its challenges and uncertainties. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. I'm here to help!

With commitment and guidance, today's dreams become tomorrow's reality.

Do you sometimes think,'If only my pet

could talk'?

It feels like a never-ending puzzle sometimes, doesn't it?

Your dog won't stop barking and you're left scratching your head, wondering why. Or maybe it's that unexpected bite from your usually gentle pet, or the surprise of your cat ditching the litter box for the carpet. Walks feel like a tug of war, and sometimes your home feels like a battleground with pets clashing.

And just when you think you've figured things out, you're tossing and turning in bed, asking yourself, "Am I doing what's best for them?" Even after those vet visits, a nagging feeling tells you something’s still off. And those heartbreaking moments, thinking about pets that have moved on, leave you with a whirlwind of questions and emotions. All these challenges just make you yearn for that deeper understanding, that genuine connection.

What if there was a way to unlock all these mysteries and truly get to the heart of your pet's feelings and behaviors?

Do you sometimes think,

'If only my pet could talk'?

It feels like a never-ending puzzle sometimes, doesn't it?

Your dog won't stop barking and you're left scratching your head, wondering why. Or maybe it's that unexpected bite from your usually gentle pet, or the surprise of your cat ditching the litter box for the carpet. Walks feel like a tug of war, and sometimes your home feels like a battleground with pets clashing.

And just when you think you've figured things out, you're tossing and turning in bed, asking yourself, "Am I doing what's best for them?" Even after those vet visits, a nagging feeling tells you something’s still off. And those heartbreaking moments, thinking about pets that have moved on, leave you with a whirlwind of questions and emotions. All these challenges just make you yearn for that deeper understanding, that genuine connection.

What if there was a way to unlock all these mysteries and truly get to the heart of your pet's feelings and behaviors?

Do You See Yourself in These Moments?

Every pet owner has a story, a unique dance of highs and lows, joys and worries, with their beloved animals. Maybe yours is echoed in the tales below?

Imagine a sunny day at the park, the air filled with children's laughter and pets playing happily together. You stand there, holding the leash, feeling a weight on your chest. Your cherished pet is beside you, excited but held back. You wish for them to run and mix with the others. But there's a shadow of doubt, an unspoken worry. What if they react unpredictably? What if they bark aggressively or chase another animal? That wishful thought, "If only they could tell me what they feel," crosses your mind.

As the sun sets, the same old scene begins in the silence of your home. The house is calm, yet your pet seems restless. Their toys sit untouched, their food remains, but their eyes search as if seeking answers. Soon, you hear a faint sound or see your pet moving without purpose. Despite the stillness, they seem distant and troubled. You can't help but ask: "Is something bothering them? Is it a health concern or something deeper?"

The dawn brings with it the promise of a trip. The sight of a packed suitcase, though, brings mixed feelings. You notice your pet watching you closely, their eyes reflecting a sense of longing. Past trips come back to you - the mess they made, or that time they fell sick while you were away. The conflict inside you is real: "How will they manage without me? How can I reassure them?" If only there was a way to truly connect, to let them know that every goodbye is just for a little while.

Do You See Yourself in These Moments?

Every pet owner has a story, a unique dance of highs and lows, joys and worries, with their beloved animals.

Maybe yours is echoed in the tales below?

Imagine a sunny day at the park, the air filled with children's laughter and pets playing happily together. You stand there, holding the leash, feeling a weight on your chest. Your cherished pet is beside you, excited but held back. You wish for them to run and mix with the others. But there's a shadow of doubt, an unspoken worry.

What if they react unpredictably? What if they bark aggressively or chase another animal?

That wishful thought, "If only they could tell me what they feel," crosses your mind.

As the sun sets, the same old scene begins in the silence of your home. The house is calm, yet your pet seems restless. Their toys sit untouched, their food remains, but their eyes search as if seeking answers. Soon, you hear a faint sound or see your pet moving without purpose. Despite the stillness, they seem distant and troubled.

You can't help but ask: "Is something bothering them? Is it a health concern or something deeper?"

The dawn brings with it the promise of a trip. The sight of a packed suitcase, though, brings mixed feelings. You notice your pet watching you closely, their eyes reflecting a sense of longing. Past trips come back to you - the mess they made, or that time they fell sick while you were away.

The conflict inside you is real: "How will they manage without me? How can I reassure them?"

If only there was a way to truly connect, to let them know that every goodbye is just for a little while.

"In every silent paw there's a hidden story. Through the eyes of Lucky, my beloved rescue, I discovered the deeper layers of animal communication. It's more than understanding; it's actively addresing challenges, seeking solutions, and fostering a bond of trust."

Paulina, Intuitive Animal Communicator

"In every silent paw there's a hidden story. Through the eyes of Lucky, my beloved rescue, I discovered the deeper layers of animal communication. It's more than understanding; it's actively addresing challenges, seeking solutions, and fostering a bond of trust."

Paulina, Intuitive Animal Communicator

The Puzzle Piece I Didn’t Know I Was Missing

My Life-Changing Connection with Lucky

Being an Intuitive Animal Communicator, I've always had a deep understanding and connection with animals. I've assisted countless pet owners, unravelling the silent stories of their beloved companions, bridging gaps of miscommunication, and bringing harmony to households. Yet, there was an aspect of this journey I hadn’t fully grasped until Lucky, my dog, entered my life.

Rescuing Lucky was a calling, but little did I know she would be my most profound teacher. With every curious gaze, playful bark, and unexpected mood shift, she presented challenges that I, despite my expertise, sometimes found puzzling. It wasn't just about interpreting her emotions; it was about addressing them, finding solutions, and achieving a harmonious balance.

Then a Profound Realization Changed Everything...

Lucky and I navigated this journey together, each challenge deepening our bond, sharpening my skills, and teaching me lessons no other experience had. It wasn’t merely about decoding behaviors; it was about actively seeking solutions, addressing the root causes, and understanding that while communication is key, actionable insights make all the difference.

Through our shared experiences, I realized something profound:knowing how to communicate with animals was a gift, but using that knowledge to actively address and solve challenges was a calling. A calling to not only connect but to heal, to nurture, and to transform lives.

And so, with Lucky by my side, my mission became even clearer. I’m here to guide you, to be the bridge between you and your beloved pet. To not only help you understand but to find solutions, bring about change, and foster a bond that’s rooted in deep understanding and trust.

Together, let's embark on this transformative journey. One where your pet's silent stories become clear dialogues, where challenges turn into opportunities, and where love and understanding reign supreme.

The Puzzle Piece I Didn’t Know I Was Missing

My Life-Changing Connection with Lucky

Being an Intuitive Animal Communicator, I've always had a deep understanding and connection with animals. I've assisted countless pet owners, unravelling the silent stories of their beloved companions, bridging gaps of miscommunication, and bringing harmony to households. Yet, there was an aspect of this journey I hadn’t fully grasped until Lucky, my dog, entered my life.

Rescuing Lucky was a calling, but little did I know she would be my most profound teacher. With every curious gaze, playful bark, and unexpected mood shift, she presented challenges that I, despite my expertise, sometimes found puzzling. It wasn't just about interpreting her emotions; it was about addressing them, finding solutions, and achieving a harmonious balance.

Then a Profound Realization Changed Everything...

Lucky and I navigated this journey together, each challenge deepening our bond, sharpening my skills, and teaching me lessons no other experience had. It wasn’t merely about decoding behaviors; it was about actively seeking solutions, addressing the root causes, and understanding that while communication is key, actionable insights make all the difference.

Through our shared experiences, I realized something profound: knowing how to communicate with animals was a gift, but using that knowledge to actively address and solve challenges was a calling. A calling to not only connect but to heal, to nurture, and to transform lives.

And so, with Lucky by my side, my mission became even clearer. I’m here to guide you, to be the bridge between you and your beloved pet. To not only help you understand but to find solutions, bring about change, and foster a bond that’s rooted in deep understanding and trust.

Together, let's embark on this transformative journey. One where your pet's silent stories become clear dialogues, where challenges turn into opportunities, and where love and understanding reign supreme.

Introducing "Bridging Hearts & Paws"

Bridging Hearts & Paws is not your typical animal communication or Reiki experience; it's an immersive transformation. I go steps further. I pinpoint issues, address, heal, and transform. Your pet's challenges become gateways to deeper understanding and enriched bonding - a heart-to-heart dialogue

Dive beyond just behaviors to uncover the heart of your pet's emotions and desires.

Tap into an energetic realm, even reaching those pets that have transitioned, assuring their well-being.

Create a bond that’s not just ordinary; it’s magical, spanning time and space.

Introducing "Bridging Hearts & Paws"

Bridging Hearts & Paws is not your typical animal communication or Reiki experience; it's an immersive transformation. I go steps further. I pinpoint issues, address, heal, and transform. Your pet's challenges become gateways to deeper understanding and enriched bonding - a heart-to-heart dialogue.

Dive beyond just behaviors to uncover the heart of your pet's emotions and desires.

Tap into an energetic realm, even reaching those pets that have transitioned, assuring their well-being.

Create a bond that’s not just ordinary; it’s magical, spanning time and space.

Success Stories from Happy Pet Owners

Real Transformations. Real Stories. Discover how my Intuitive Animal Communication has transformed the lives of pets and their owners!

Success Stories from Happy Pet Owners

Real Transformations. Real Stories. Discover how my Intuitive Animal Communication has transformed the lives of pets and their owners!

Inspired by Their Stories?

Don't let another day pass in uncertainty or frustration. Start the transformation now, take matters into your hands, and witness the joy and peace in your pet and yourself. Don't delay! Secure your session today and let's bridge the gap between hearts and paws!

Inspired by Their Stories?

Don't let another day pass in uncertainty or frustration. Start the transformation now, take matters into your hands, and witness the joy and peace in your pet and yourself. Don't delay!

Secure your session today and let's bridge the gap between hearts and paws!

Discover the Life-Changing Benefits of Intuitive Animal Communication

Not Sure if It's Right for You? Unlock the magic of understanding and the profound transformations it brings to both pet and owner.

Addressing Behavioral Challenges

Move past feelings of helplessness, embarrassment, or frustration over unexpected aggressions, excessive barking, or other behavioral challenges. Embrace a harmonious home environment.

Deep Emotional Understanding

Achieve peace of mind as sleepless nights and concerns over your pet's erratic behaviors become a thing of the past. Understand the root of their feelings and actions.

Addressing Health Concerns

Stay ahead with insights into potential health issues before they escalate. Reduce unexpected vet visits and ensure a healthier, happier pet.

Healing Past Traumas

Watch your pet bloom as they shed the shadows of past fears and traumas. Experience fewer behavioral issues rooted in past traumas.

Energetic Level Connection

Forge a bond built on genuine understanding, as you tap into your pet’s deeper energy beyond just physical interactions.

Strengthening Owner-Pet Relationship

Experience an enriched bond with your pet, making everyday shared moments more precious and filled with mutual understanding and love.

Communication with Pets Who've Transitioned

Find closure and solace, assured that your pets in the afterlife are content and still emotionally connected to you. Begin the healing process from grief.

Actionable Insights and Recommendations

Progress beyond just understanding to actual change. Receive clear, actionable steps to address issues and see tangible improvements in your pet's life and your shared bond.

Transformative Energy Work

Witness as cleared energetic blockages lead to a more vibrant, happier, and calmer pet, which in turn rejuvenates your home environment.

Tailored Strategies for Each Pet

Celebrate the uniqueness of your pet with solutions specifically tailored to their needs, ensuring effective and lasting transformations.

Does this Sound Like Something You Need? Then Read On!

Discover the Life-Changing Benefits of Intuitive Animal Communication

Not Sure if It's Right for You? Unlock the magic of understanding and the profound transformations it brings to both pet and owner.

Addressing Behavioral Challenges

Move past feelings of helplessness, embarrassment, or frustration over unexpected aggressions, excessive barking, or other behavioral challenges. Embrace a harmonious home environment.

Deep Emotional Understanding

Achieve peace of mind as sleepless nights and concerns over your pet's erratic behaviors become a thing of the past. Understand the root of their feelings and actions.

Addressing Health Concerns

Stay ahead with insights into potential health issues before they escalate. Reduce unexpected vet visits and ensure a healthier, happier pet.

Healing Past Traumas

Watch your pet bloom as they shed the shadows of past fears and traumas. Experience fewer behavioral issues rooted in past traumas.

Energetic Level Connection

Forge a bond built on genuine understanding, as you tap into your pet’s deeper energy beyond just physical interactions.

Strengthening Owner-Pet Relationship

Experience an enriched bond with your pet, making everyday shared moments more precious and filled with mutual understanding and love.

Communication with Pets Who've Transitioned

Find closure and solace, assured that your pets in the afterlife are content and still emotionally connected to you. Begin the healing process from grief.

Actionable Insights and Recommendations

Progress beyond just understanding to actual change. Receive clear, actionable steps to address issues and see tangible improvements in your pet's life and your shared bond.

Transformative Energy Work

Witness as cleared energetic blockages lead to a more vibrant, happier, and calmer pet, which in turn rejuvenates your home environment.

Tailored Strategies for Each Pet

Celebrate the uniqueness of your pet with solutions specifically tailored to their needs, ensuring effective and lasting transformations.

Does this Sound Like Something You Need? Then Read On!

Your Commitment: The Key to Transformation

I wholeheartedly believe in the transformative power of Intuitive Animal Communication. Every technique, insight, and routine I share has not only been tried and tested by me but has also brought profound changes to countless other pet owners. Like all things of value, it requires commitment. If you wholeheartedly engage with the process, practice the techniques, and nurture the bond between you and your pet, both of your lives will change in unimaginable ways. You'll not only overcome challenges but will also step into a harmonious life.

This is your moment. This is the opportunity to turn the page and start a new chapter where you and your beloved pet understand each other on a deeper level, forging a bond like never before. Trust in this journey; I have been where you are, and so have many other pet owners I've assisted. Together, we've witnessed the magic that unfolds with unwavering commitment.

Step into this journey with faith, hope, and determination. Remember, both you and your pet deserve this transformative experience. Embrace the potential that lies ahead; let's make it a reality together.

Your Commitment: The Key to Transformation

I wholeheartedly believe in the transformative power of Intuitive Animal Communication. Every technique, insight, and routine I share has not only been tried and tested by me but has also brought profound changes to countless other pet owners. Like all things of value, it requires commitment.

If you only engage with the process, practice the techniques, and nurture the bond between you and your pet, both of your lives will change in unimaginable ways. You'll not only overcome challenges but will also step into a harmonious life.

This is your moment. This is the opportunity to turn the page and start a new chapter where you and your beloved pet understand each other on a deeper level, forging a bond like never before. Trust in this journey; I have been where you are, and so have many other pet owners I've assisted. Together, we've witnessed the magic that unfolds with unwavering commitment.

Step into this journey with faith, hope, and determination. Remember, both you and your pet deserve this transformative experience. Embrace the potential that lies ahead; let's make it a reality together.

What Are the Next Steps?

Reach Out, I Dive Deep, You Get Answers!


Initial Contact

Contact me when you are truly ready assist your pet. Simply provide your pet’s name and briefly describe the issue or your inquiries. This initial heartfelt sharing opens the pathway for profound transformation.


Energetic Connection

Your physical presence isn't required. I will connect with your pet energetically, listening and supporting them with intuition and open-hearted understanding, diving deep to the root of the issues.


Comprehensive Follow-Up

After the session, we’ll connect via Zoom. You will receive a written summary via email, complete with detailed insights from your pet, practical advice, and recommended next steps, along with continued support.

Step into the world of intuitive animal communication, counseling and healing. Get the benefits that don't just transform your pet's world but also deepen your shared bond. If there's ever been a moment to dive deeper into your pet's story, it's now. Your transformation awaits!

Only a few slots available this month!

What Are the Next Steps?

Reach Out, I Dive Deep, You Get Answers!


Initial Contact

Contact me when you are truly ready assist your pet. Simply provide your pet’s name and briefly describe the issue or your inquiries. This initial heartfelt sharing opens the pathway for profound transformation.


Energetic Connection

Your physical presence isn't required. I will connect with your pet energetically, listening and supporting them with intuition and open-hearted understanding, diving deep to the root of the issues.


Comprehensive Follow-Up

After the session, we’ll connect via Zoom. You will receive a written summary via email, complete with detailed insights from your pet, practical advice, and recommended next steps, along with continued support.

Step into the world of intuitive animal communication, counseling and healing. Get the benefits that don't just transform your pet's world but also deepen your shared bond. If there's ever been a moment to dive deeper into your pet's story, it's now. Your transformation awaits!

Only a few slots available this month!

Why Choose Intuitive Animal Communication

Before diving into the specifics of the session and its cost, let's address an unspoken question: why invest in Intuitive Animal Communication coaching?

The answer lies not just in its immediate benefits, but in the long-term transformations it brings to both pet and owner. For many, pets aren't just animals; they're family. But unlike human members of our family, they can't always communicate their feelings, fears, or discomforts with words. Often, misunderstandings can lead to health issues, behavioral challenges, or simply a sense of distance. The costs associated with such challenges can be enormous - not just financially, but emotionally.

Consider the Financial Aspect...

Multiple Vet Visits: Often, understanding a pet's specific health challenge can require numerous trips to the vet, each costing significantly both in terms of money and time.

Behavioral Training: Professional training sessions to address behavioral challenges can be costly and time-consuming.

Replacement Costs: Pets acting out due to stress or anxiety can lead to property damage - be it chewed-up furniture, torn curtains, or damaged carpets.

Moreover, consider the emotional impact beyond the financial aspects..

The sleepless nights, the worry, the guilt of feeling you might not be doing enough, or the sheer helplessness of not understanding what's wrong.

Wouldn't it be invaluable to bypass these challenges, understand your pet deeply, and foster a bond that's built on mutual respect and understanding?

Why Choose Intuitive Animal Communication

Before diving into the specifics of the session and its cost, let's address an unspoken question:

Why invest in Intuitive Animal Communication session?

The answer lies not just in its immediate benefits, but in the long-term transformations it brings to both pet and owner. For many, pets aren't just animals; they're family.

But unlike human members of our family, they can't always communicate their feelings, fears, or discomforts with words. Often, misunderstandings can lead to health issues, behavioral challenges, or simply a sense of distance. The costs associated with such challenges can be enormous - not just financially, but emotionally.

Consider the Financial Aspect...

Multiple Vet Visits: Often, understanding a pet's specific health challenge can require numerous trips to the vet, each costing significantly both in terms of money and time.

Behavioral Training: Professional training sessions to address behavioral challenges can be costly and time-consuming.

Replacement Costs: Pets acting out due to stress or anxiety can lead to property damage - be it chewed-up furniture, torn curtains, or damaged carpets.

Moreover, consider the emotional impact beyond the financial aspects..

The sleepless nights, the worry, the guilt of feeling you might not be doing enough, or the sheer helplessness of not understanding what's wrong.

Wouldn't it be invaluable to bypass these challenges, understand your pet deeply, and foster a bond that's built on mutual respect and understanding?

Your Investment Today?

Considering the comprehensive nature of our sessions, where we not only pinpoint the problem but also provide actionable solutions, many have mentioned that they expected the prices to be considerably higher. However, my primary goal is to create a world where every pet owner has access to this profound level of understanding with their pets. Let's delve into how you can achieve this!

Your Investment Today?

Considering the comprehensive nature of our sessions, where we not only pinpoint the problem but also provide actionable solutions, many have mentioned that they expected the prices to be considerably higher.

However, my primary goal is to create a world where every pet owner has access to this profound level of understanding with their pets. Let's delve into how you can achieve this!

Quality Care and Competitive Prices

Remote Communication, Counseling, and Energy Healing

These remote sessions provide you with an emailed transcript of the dialogue, any essential energy healing for the animal or situation, and a concluding 20-minute zoom call – follow up.

Basic Session


60 Minutes

Perfect for those addressing a specific concern or for those new to the profound benefits of Intuitive Animal Communication.

Add-on Option: For each added animal in a remote session, there's a extra charge of £60.

One 60-Minute Distance Session

20-Minute Follow-up Zoom Call

Action Steps Post-Session

After-session support via email or chat

Includes up to three questions or concerns, and any energy healing that comes up as a priority



90 Minutes

Ideal for more complex situations. This advance session allows us to dive deep, addressing multiple aspects of your pet's behavior or health.

Expect a transformative experience that strengthens your bond and brings clarity to any concerns you have.

One 90-Minute Distance Session

20-Minute Follow-up Zoom Call

Action Steps Post-Session

After-session support via email or chat

Includes up to five questions or concerns, and any energy healing that comes up as a priority



60 Minutes

When unexpected issues arise with your pet, whether it's sudden changes in behavior, discomfort before or after surgery, or rapid emotional shifts, you need answers quickly.

These sessions are specially designed to address urgent health issues or emotional challenges your pet may encounter. I am here to support and assist with healing.

Fast turnaround, less than 24 hours

One 60-Minute Distance Session

20-Minute Follow-up Zoom Call

Action Steps Post-Session

After-session support via email or chat

Disclaimer: Please be aware that animal communication sessions are intended to complement, not replace, the advice and expertise of veterinarians or other animal health professionals. If your animal is showing signs of distress, illness, or discomfort, it's crucial to consult with a trusted veterinarian immediately.

Quality Care and Competetive Prices

Remote Communication, Counseling, and Energy Healing

These remote sessions provide you with an emailed transcript of the dialogue, any essential energy healing for the animal or situation, and a concluding 20-minute zoom call – follow up.

Basic Session


60 Minutes

Perfect for those addressing a specific concern or for those new to the profound benefits of Intuitive Animal Communication.

Add-on Option: For each added animal in a remote session, there's a extra charge of £60.

One 60-Minute Distance Session

20-Minute Follow-up Zoom Call

Action Steps Post-Session

After-session support via email or chat

Includes up to three questions or concerns, and any energy healing that comes up as a priority



90 Minutes

Ideal for more complex situations. This advance session allows us to dive deep, addressing multiple aspects of your pet's behavior or health.

Expect a transformative experience that strengthens your bond and brings clarity to any concerns you have.

One 90-Minute Distance Session

20-Minute Follow-up Zoom Call

Action Steps Post-Session

After-session support via email or chat

Includes up to five questions or concerns, and any energy healing that comes up as a priority



60 Minutes

When unexpected issues arise with your pet, whether it's sudden changes in behavior, discomfort before or after surgery, or rapid emotional shifts, you need answers quickly.

These sessions are specially designed to address urgent health issues or emotional challenges your pet may encounter. I am here to support and assist with healing.

Fast turnaround, less than 24 hours

One 60-Minute Distance Session

20-Minute Follow-up Zoom Call

Action Steps Post-Session

After-session support via email or chat

Disclaimer: Please be aware that animal communication sessions are intended to complement, not replace, the advice and expertise of veterinarians or other animal health professionals. If your animal is showing signs of distress, illness, or discomfort, it's crucial to consult with a trusted veterinarian immediately.

Voices from Happy Paws & Grateful Hearts

Dive into journeys of understanding, healing, and profound bonding made possible through

Intuitive Animal Communication.

Voices from

Happy Paws & Grateful Hearts

Dive into journeys of understanding, healing, and profound bonding

made possible through

Intuitive Animal Communication.

Limited Spots Available!

Remote Communication, Counseling, and Energy Healing

I cherish every moment I spend connecting pets with their owners, ensuring each session is as detailed, insightful, and transformative as possible. Because of the deep, attentive care I offer, I can only accommodate a select number of sessions each month.

For those ready to leap into a deeper bond with their beloved pets, I urge you not to wait. Each moment is an opportunity to understand, to connect, and to heal. But spaces fill up quickly, and I'd hate for you to miss out on this chance to truly bridge the heart and paw.

The journey to unparalleled understanding begins with one step. Take yours now.

Limited Spots Available!

Remote Communication, Counseling, and Energy Healing

I cherish every moment I spend connecting pets with their owners, ensuring each session is as detailed, insightful, and transformative as possible. Because of the deep, attentive care I offer, I can only accommodate a select number of sessions each month.

For those ready to leap into a deeper bond with their beloved pets, I urge you not to wait. Each moment is an opportunity to understand, to connect, and to heal. But spaces fill up quickly, and I'd hate for you to miss out on this chance to truly bridge the heart and paw.

The journey to unparalleled understanding begins with one step. Take yours now.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Intuitive Animal Communication?

Intuitive animal communication is a unique service that enhances your connection with your pet by helping you grasp their needs, feelings, and behaviors. By energetically tuning into your pet, I aim to transform their stress, fear, and anxiety into a state of peace and holistic well-being.

How does the session work?

Once you're ready and have scheduled your session, I'll need some information about your animal, primarily concerning any behavioral issues or challenges they face. The session itself doesn't require you or your pet to be in front of a computer - it's conducted via the process of surrogation based on kinesiology. I only need your pet's name. After the session, we'll have a Zoom video chat for a follow-up.

How long is each session?

Each session lasts 60 minutes. This includes the follow-up Zoom call where we discuss the session in detail, and you'll have the opportunity to ask questions.

How do I make a payment?

Payment is required before the session starts. You can make your payment through our online booking system, choosing either PayPal or Stripe. For more details, check our Terms and Conditions.

What should I expect from the first session?

During your initial session, come with an open heart and mind, ready for change. This session will prompt you to take responsibility for your actions, setting the foundation for transformative growth.

Can you connect with animals that have passed away?

Absolutely, yes.

What issues can intuitive animal communication address?

Sessions can help with behavioral challenges, relationship dynamics, trauma, adapting to life changes or new environments, end-of-life situations, or simply understanding your pet better.

What's the cancellation policy?

If you cancel your session with at least 24 hours' notice, you'll receive a full refund. Unfortunately, there are no exceptions to this policy. For more details, check our Terms and Conditions.

Do you offer services beyond animal communication?

Yes! I also work with individuals, including children. Contact me for more details.

Are you a veterinarian?

No, I'm not. While an animal may guide me towards potential health concerns, I'm not qualified to diagnose any medical condition. Always consult your veterinarian for serious health issues.

Are there prerequisites for this journey?

Your commitment is crucial. While I'll guide you in releasing blocks and limiting beliefs, it's vital for you to consciously act on these revelations post-session. This combination of subconscious release and conscious action is what leads to genuine transformation.

By choosing to embark on this journey, you're not just purchasing a session; you're investing in a deeper, more meaningful relationship with your beloved pet. The moments of clarity, the strengthened bond, and the peace of mind you'll gain? Priceless.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Intuitive Animal Communication?

Intuitive animal communication is a unique service that enhances your connection with your pet by helping you grasp their needs, feelings, and behaviors. By energetically tuning into your pet, I aim to transform their stress, fear, and anxiety into a state of peace and holistic well-being.

How does the session work?

Once you're ready and have scheduled your session, I'll need some information about your animal, primarily concerning any behavioral issues or challenges they face. The session itself doesn't require you or your pet to be in front of a computer - it's conducted via the process of surrogation based on kinesiology. I only need your pet's name. After the session, we'll have a Zoom video chat for a follow-up.

How long is each session?

Each session lasts 60 minutes. This includes the follow-up Zoom call where we discuss the session in detail, and you'll have the opportunity to ask questions.

How do I make a payment?

Payment is required before the session starts. You can make your payment through our online booking system, choosing either PayPal or Stripe. For more details, check our Terms and Conditions.

What should I expect from the first session?

During your initial session, come with an open heart and mind, ready for change. This session will prompt you to take responsibility for your actions, setting the foundation for transformative growth.

Can you connect with animals that have passed away?

Absolutely, yes.

What issues can intuitive animal communication address?

Sessions can help with behavioral challenges, relationship dynamics, trauma, adapting to life changes or new environments, end-of-life situations, or simply understanding your pet better.

What's the cancellation policy?

If you cancel your session with at least 24 hours' notice, you'll receive a full refund. Unfortunately, there are no exceptions to this policy. For more details, check our Terms and Conditions.

Do you offer services beyond animal communication?

Yes! I also work with individuals, including children. Contact me for more details.

Are you a veterinarian?

No, I'm not. While an animal may guide me towards potential health concerns, I'm not qualified to diagnose any medical condition. Always consult your veterinarian for serious health issues.

Are there prerequisites for this journey?

Your commitment is crucial. While I'll guide you in releasing blocks and limiting beliefs, it's vital for you to consciously act on these revelations post-session. This combination of subconscious release and conscious action is what leads to genuine transformation.

By choosing to embark on this journey, you're not just purchasing a session; you're investing in a deeper, more meaningful relationship with your beloved pet.

The moments of clarity, the strengthened bond, and the peace of mind you'll gain? Priceless.

Unlock the secrets of your pet's behavior with my FREE eBook, "How Your Mood Matters" – a guide to understanding how our emotions influence our furry friends.

Unlock the secrets of your pet's behavior with my FREE eBook, "How Your Mood Matters" – a guide to understanding how our emotions influence our furry friends.

Copyright © 2023 Intuitive Animal Communicator

All rights reserved | Made by Heartbeat.Buzz

Copyright © 2023 Intuitive Animal Communicator | All rights reserved | Made by Heartbeat.Buzz